Friday, March 7, 2008

Welcome to my Roller Coaster Ride


So, I cried all day.
Stopped at the store and bought a 6-pack of beer so I could get drunk.
Came home and checked my email and there was an email from my nurse.
Here is what it said...........

Hey Barb,

Everything looks great. Here's what we're doing. Take 5 units of Lupron tonight. Tomorrow, start antibiotics twice daily until finished. You have Doxycycline for 7 days and Russ has Cipro for 10 days. Your instructions are the same for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday as follows: no meds in the am. In the evening, you need to take your 5 units of Lupron, 150 units of Follistim, and 10 units of low dose hcg. Return Tuesday morning, 3-11-08, for blood work only. Come in about 8:15 and I'll get your blood drawn before I need to start ultrasounds with Dr. Whelan. I'll call you that afternoon and let you know what's next. Oh, and try to give your meds about the same time every night. Let me know if you have any questions. I'll be here for about another ½ hour. If not, I'll see you Tuesday.


So, I called her because I was so confused. I asked about the cyst and she said she talked to the Dr and he said if my estrogen levels came back good then continue with my meds. The cyst is only a problem if it changes hormone levels.

So I went from Way up.................. to Way Way up. Just like a roller coaster.
It's kind of making me nauseus.

Stay Tuned!


Dagny said...

Well, I am so happy you got to go way back up again. :)

Hopefully things go smoothly from this point forward.

I'll keep everything crossed for you.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back up again. I was trying to catch up and see whats been going on, we've been busy so much lately and I'm sorry to respond to you. I've been thinking about you though and praying this all works out and that this is your time. Sending hugs and I'll wait to hear more of an update. :)