Monday, March 24, 2008


Well, I was supposed to have my transfer today at 12:00pm.
However, I got a call @ 9:40 cancelling the transfer. Actually, she left a message @ 9:40, unfortuneatley, I did not check it until we were almost at Reach at 10:45am. So, that kind of sucked!!
Plus, I had to do a progesterone suppository (rectally) this morning when I got up and now I have to do ANOTHER one tomorrow. Barf!!
On a good note, I've finally become Un Constipated! That's is awful!! I don't think I've ever been constipated before and I really don't care to ever be it again!

The reason for the delay was they wanted to let the embryos grow one more day. Here is the email I got from her:

Hey Barb,

I left you a message on your cell phone, they want to take your embryos out one more day and do the transfer tomorrow. This is a good thing, not to worry. Basically, you have enough to do that and it just continues to give them information about which embryos are the best ones. I'll let you know later your time, it will probably be about the same time, around lunch time.



So, I guess its a good thing. I just wish I knew earlier!! Like 8am would have been much better.

Ok, so well I was typing this, I got THIS email


They did it to me again!

They have switched your transfer to 10:30 from 12:30. I really hope this doesn't pose a huge problem. And I am so sorry. But you can see how much say so I have in the matter. You'll need to be there at 10:00 instead of 12:00. Take your Valium at 9:30 am. I will not be moved again. Confirm with me that you got this email.


So tomorrow at 10:30, I will go pick up my kids!!!!

That's all for now!!


Erin said...

Hang in there. At least it's not bad news!!!

Emily said...

Yeah hang in there girl Its almost done. Putting it off sucks, but soon it won't matter at all. All this crap will be a distant(but not forgotten) memory. And your baby(s) will be so lucky to have a mommy that went thru so much just to have them.

Dagny said...

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
