Monday, March 17, 2008


My Egg Retreival is Wednesday!!!!
Wasn't expecting it to be Wednesday at all! Maybe Thursday, but def NOT wednesday.

I went to my Dr's appointment and had my Ultrasound and blood work.
I had 14 measurable follicles on my right overy and 18 measurable on my left.
Dr Wang, (not my dr) thought I might need one more day of meds and another ultrasound. He also said my retrieval would probably be Thursday.
He said he'd know more after my bloodwork and talking to Dr Crain.

Well, my nurse emailed me saying I needed to so Ovidrel shot tonight at 8pm and come in for my retreival on WEDNESDAY at 1oam.
Well, her emails were much more lengthy with many other directions including picking up 4 prescriptions, but basically I'm doing the retreival on Wednesday and the transfer of the Embryos on Easter Sunday.
Lets hope my "Basket" gets some good EGGS!!!

On to other news..................
I went to Walgreens to get my meds and the pharmacist warned me that the antibiotic will have an adverse affect on my birth control (that I picked up last month) and I should consider using another form of birth control. LMAO!!
Very ironic. I mean serioulsy...................ALL the years I was on birth control trying NOT to get pregnant and all the antibiotics I was on NOT ONE pharmacist every spoke those words to me. The sticker was on the bottle, but they never pointed it out. So I find it hysterical (and VERY sad) that they said it this time!!
I mean I'm thinking that the IVF W/ICSI is going to make it more ineffective then the antibiotic. Just a thought.

Tomorrow I go for blood work in the morning. NO SHOTS tomorrow AT ALL!! NONE! NOT ONE!! Woo Hoo!!!!
Injection free day!!!

Ok. I'm done now. New shows on tonight, so I have to go watch!!


Dagny said...

omg, I am so excited for you!!!!!

I can hardly stand it!!!!

whoohoooooooooooooo, you are on your way!!!!!!!


Dagny said...

Good Luck today Barb!!!!!

Love ya!!!
