Friday, March 28, 2008

Bed Rest Sucks!

Bed Rest was boring!!!!
TV today really sucks during the day. I'm kind of glad I work!

Nothing much to report on the EPS. To be honest, I wouldn't know anyways. The day of my ET, I was nauseuas almost to the point of throwing up. However, I had no embies in me at that point. My nips have been Extremely sore and my boobs had many blue lines in them ever since I started my stims. And now I'm on the progesterone which causes all sorts of signs. So i'm never going to really know if it's an EPS or a progesterone symptom. I had some Cramping on wednesday and thursday. Nothing much or different then any other cycle though. I was a little dizzy this morning, but I've been on the couch for 3 days, so that's to be expected.

Here is something interesting................ I was told NO SEX and NO ORGASMS until after my beta. Well, I had a Sex DREAM with a very powerful Orgasm last night. Probably not good since I'm not supposed to do that, but how the hell do you control dreams and sleep?? Hope I didn't ruin anything going on in there. I mean it was good, but not THAT good. I'll be better at updating my journal for you girls!! Sorry to keep you hanging!!

So glad to be OFF the couch and back to work. However, I walked in an my dad said we were only working unitl noon.
However that's ok because I have to go find a dress for tonight. It's the ER Ball (Exalted Ruler Ball for the Elks lodge). My Dad is the ER. He's been it for 2 years and now he's all done. So this is a party to celebrate him being done I guess. Anyway, it's kind of fancy. Hence the word "Ball".
So I have to go find something to wear.
Then I'll go do some last minute touch ups at the house before my Father-In-Law gets in.

Well, that's it for now.

1 comment:

Dagny said...

hehee. You dirty dreaming girl you. ;) LOL. but yeah, how ARE you supposed to control that??? I am sure it's fine anyway. :)

And cramping eh? little embies digging in for the long haul I bet. All the waiting for your beta is killing me!!!!!!!

Hang in there, and remember, your being bored out of your skull is for the greater good!!!!! ;)
