Sunday, March 9, 2008

I Started........

my stimulation meds.
I had 3 injections yesterday and two antibiotics.
Same protocal for tonight and tomorrow.
Then more bloodwork on Tuesday.
This is all very exciting and scary!

Nothing much else going on here.

I bowled yesterday then came home and started working on another blanket. It's a Breast Cancer awareness blanket for Russ's aunt. I think it's going to turn out pretty nice.
I'll post pictures when I'm done with it.

I need to start some baby blankets too. I have at least 3 to make by the end of the month.

Russ will probably get 2 job offers tomorrow. Both will be about $6,000 - $10,000 more then he's making now. One has really good health insurance. The other one one I don't know yet. We havent seen them. So we'll wait and see.

Well, I can't think of anything else at the moment to write about.
Maybe something exciting will happen and I can do another post later.

1 comment:

Dagny said...

Yay for stim shots!

And yay for Russ maybe getting a better paying job!!
