Saturday, March 29, 2008

Family Time

Last night, I went to the ER Ball (Exalted Ruler ) at the Elks lodge.
I had nothing to wear, so I went to the mall after work hopeing to find something cheap but nice. I don't dress up that often, so I didn't want to spend a ton of money. Well, I found a GREAT dress marked down from $70 to $19.99. The reason it was marked down was because it was supposed to have an ugly broach on it and it was missing. there was a little string haning in it's spot. I tried it on and like it. So I bought and cut off the little string. You could not even tell that the broach was missing. It was a hideous broach anyway.
Russ didn't go with me because his dad was in town and they wanted to hang at the house. I totally understood that. When I came downstairs all dolled up though.........he almost changed his mind. His eyes bugged out of his head and seed "Wow Honey, you look pretty hot!!" Then he made me kiss him good bye twice so he could look at my boobs when I bent over! LOL!!

My dad called me on the way and asked me to pick up a gallon of milk and a 12pack of coke for the lodge. So here I am walking through Harris Teeter in heals and sex dress buying coke and milk. One of the girls that worked there said "Wow! You look really nice". I took that as a HUGE compliment since she was all of like 19 and girls that age don't usually compliment us OLD chics!!
I also got numerous compliments from the old men at the lodge;)

Seems like I'm bragging all about myself hunh? Well I AM!!! I don't ever get that many compliments. I felt damn good last night!! I was a hotty!!!

Want to see some pictures??? Ok!! There is only one of me. My mom has more, but she's going on a cruise, so I won't have them for another week.

This is my sister Julie and her new boyfriend James.

Me and my sister!
Here is my whole family!!!
Me, Dad, Mom, and Sister.
We clean up pretty well!!
What do you think of my $20 dress???
I didn't get home until 11pm!! I was whooped!!! I am usually in bed by 9:30.
In other news....................I had another dream last night. NOT a sex dream though.
My dream started at my house. I had people over, like a little party. Not sure what for, I just know there were about 6-8 people at my house.
Anyway, I went to the bathroom and for some reason I looked at my belly and I saw a really dark blue vein on my stomache, so I was looking at it in the mirror and all of suddend it turned into a dot of bright light so I was starring at this light circle and all of sudden it got big and then I could see inside my uterus and I saw a bean! I saw my little baby bean!!! Then once I saw it, I got this RUSH of tingles throughout that area. From like one side to the other. Quick, tingles just rushed through my uterus. It felt so good. Then I knew I was pregnant. I sat on the floor and cried. Then I went back out to party. I didn't tell anyone about what happened because I didn't want them to think I was crazy and I didn't want to jinx it. But in my dream, I knew I was pregnant with one baby! I felt it. It felt amazing!!
I get butterflys in my stomache now when I think about it.
Russ and his Dad and Mario (his dad's friend that is visititg with him) are going to the Richard Childress Musesum today. I will not be going. I'll leave them to have a boys day. I don't know what I'll do since I'm limited still in what I can do. I really can't clean. Maybe I'll go shopping!


Dagny said...

NO pressure, etc.

But damn. I really do think you are knocked up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cant' wait for that damn beta!!!


Erin said...

Holy HOTNESS!!!! I think you already have the "glow".

Erin said...

You are gorgeous Barb!!! And so glowing!! Your dream gave me shivers too!!! Love yah!