Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Transfer Update (3/25)

March 24th Transfer was cancelled.
Rescheduled for March 25th.
They decided on a cycle day 6 transfer because I so many good embryos and if they could grow them out one more day, they could get all the information they needed to pick the best of the best Embryos.

March 25th: Woke up @ 8am.
Took my shower.
Did my Progesterone Suppository (barf!) and then we headed out.The ride to Charlotte was much nicer this time since everyone was at work already. Traffic was HALF of what it normally is. I wanted to listen to music on the way, but DH was on the phone with his damn boss the whole ride. I was so annoyed. At 9:30, we were halfway there and I had to take my Valium and start drinking my water (needed a full bladder). I've never taken Valium before and had no idea what to expect. Well, 10 minutes later I was like............hmmmm, this stuff is cool!!! I can't explain it, I was just floaty and happy. I couldn't walk all that well because it was like I was floating. When we got into the Clinic, I sat and told Russ he had to check us in because I was too high! I had to go up and get some bloodwork. The nurses up there found it funny that I was so "happy" and floaty!! The one nurse said "that stuff kicks in pretty quick on an empty stomache eh?" I was like YUP!! I like it!! Well, we went back down and I got undressed. All but my LUCKY SHIRT. Its a shirt I made my Friend a couple years ago for HER transfer and it had a + pregnancy test on it and said "THINK POSITIVE". Well, she saved it and gave it to me on last week so I could wear it to my transfer. I figure it was lucky siince she has two beautiful boys from her transfer.

Anyway, on with my story. I was feeling good. Went back into the OR room and the Embryologest cofirmed I was who I was and that he had the right babies for the transfer. Then Dr Crain came in and chatted. Then they started. There was a big moniter on the wall so I could watch. The nurse pointed out where I should look. She said watch this area and you'll see a white line come in. That's the cathedar. The white dot under the cathedar is where your embryos will be going. Here is a pic so you can all see what I"m talking about

Can you see the white line??

After the transfer was done, they gave me pictures of my kids.

Aren't they adorable!!! I think they look like me!!
Then I had to go back to my room and lay down for 1/2 hour. Then we left.
I was starving, so we stopped at McDonalds and I chowed. Just what I need when I'm going to be laying in bed for 2-3 days. Add an 1" or 2 to each thigh I guess!
Now I'm home relaxing. I have the perfect set up here. I have my laptop table so I can be online all day. I have my tray table for my drinks, phone, etc. Then I have a basket full of goodies next to me including..............books, movies, snacks, a laser pointer so I can play with the cats for entertainment, lollipops, camera, and scissors to cut the fringe on my blankets. I'm all set!!
Well, That's all for today. I dont know if anything exciting can happen on bed rest, but I'll keep you posted. It will probably be some movie reviews:D
Please pray that my cute little babies stick!!


Dagny said...


Your kids are gorgeous!!!!!

Take it easy!!


Erin said...

I have not been able to stop thinking about you all day!! I am praying, and wishing and hoping and crossing everything for your Sticky little babies!!! Love you!! Wish I lived closer, I would so come over and watch movies w/ you!

Barb said...

Thanks girls!!
Your awsome!!!
Love you both!!