Sunday, March 23, 2008


Praying for an IVF Miracle
I heard from the nurse on Saturday.
She said I have 10-13 embryos and I'll be doing a 5 day transfer.
So, Monday @ 7:30am, my babies will be tranferred. Oh I hope they stick.
Although this whole process (aside of the money) was not bad, I really don't want to go through it again.

I thought for sure I was having that OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrom), but I made sure to to drink 10-12 drinks a day including 4-5 Gatorade. I stayed off my feet for the most part and too my meds. I THINK I'm in the clear.

My moms brothers and sisters are in town this weekend. I haven't seen them in a long time. I was happy to see all but one!!! My Aunt Susan is beyond annoying. bitchShe's a bitch! She completely takes over my moms house and messes it. Never helps clean it. Then, her daughter (who is mentally retarded) got pregnant 3 years ago. My Aunt wanted her kid, so she manipulated Teresa into letter her adopt her. So here she is 60 years old with a 3 year old. She expected us all to watch her. Also, she's one of those people that constantly says "At MY house" , " MY kids", MY church", "When I cook", ect. She's just a pain in the padded ass!!!
I went there yesterday around 5. Mind you I was at home not feeling well all day. All my other relatives asked when I got there "How are you feeling?" and they also asked all about the IVF. They are all excited for me. Not my Aunt Susan. All she talked about was her kids. "Oh John had his 2nd son today" and "oh look at this precious picture of Davids little girl". SHUT UP BITCH!!! It wouln't be so bad if she ever asked about me or how I was, but she didn't. I mean my 92 year old Great Aunt asked me as soon as she got to my moms house!!!!
Then when Stupid Susan was sitting on her ass, she said "Barbie, go aside on the deck and see if it's getting cold enough where I need to put Mia in warmer clothes" Mia is her grandaughter/daughter. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I went outside because my mom was there cooking on the grill. I said to my mom....................."I love you so much that I'm not going to tell off your sister" Then I told her what she said and she just rolled her eyes.
It's not like she's annoying just me. My mom and dad are ready to kill her too.
She's like the worlds worst house guest EVER!!!

Today we are going to Easter Brunch with everyone. I was looking forward to it, but now I'm not so sure. Not because of my aunt, because all this medicine is "Stopping me up". constipatedI've been stopped up for many days now. Metimucil is NOT working and I'm not sure that I can put anything else in me before something comes OUT!! KWIM??

Well, now that I've told you my embarressing butt issue. I'm going to sign off now!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and praying all goes well. Stick little guys. Many hugs. :)