Friday, February 29, 2008

Is this the medicine or are you really upset??

This is the question my husband asked me tonight. Why?
Because I'm upset. I had a really crappy day. Full of being denied for various things such as a line of credit to my checking account and my van inspection. Neither are a big deal I realize. I took more money out my 401K, so I don't need the line of credit any longer, but I'm upset about being denied for it. I was denied because my husband has destroyed his credit and as hard as I've worked on fixing it, it's not good enough yet. The van is no big deal either really. I just need two new tires. Normally, no biggy. However, considering I'm scraping every fucking penny I can right now to pay for this IVF so I can have something that SO many people get for free, $100 for new tires is yet another set back in my charmed financial life.
I'm just sick of the set backs. I'm sick of taking two steps forward and having something knock me on my ass again.
I'm pissed that my mom has not offered one penny to help us out. I know they are not loaded, but they could afford to give us something. My mom pays $200 a month towards my nieces cathlic school, yet after hearing about our struggle for money, she's offered us nothing.
My dad told me to take a loan from Arch Tech. He'd give me money even if he was broke. He'd take a loan out for me if needed. Again, I don't need the money anymore, but I'm so happy at least HE offered it to me.

I so badly wanted to come home and talk to someone. I know that I can't talk to my husband. He just doesn't ever understand anything that I'm upset about. EVER. Of course I don't NEED him to understand. I need him to hug me and tell me it's ok. BUT nope. He says "Well, I'm going to go in the other room and let you calm down". WTF?? Seriously? He can NEVER comfort me.
Then when I say "I don't NEED to be left along" he said "Is the the Medicine or are you upset about something else. BEcause I don't get it and I don't know what you want me to do."
Nice. Do nothing you fucking schmuck! Do NOTHING! That will make it better!

I miss my friend. I miss talking to her on the phone. I miss the relationship I used to have with her. I don't why certain things in life have to change. I understand change. I just don't get this one. I never thought anything would change our friendship. But life did. Life changed it. I doubt it will ever be what it was. And that hurts so much.

So now, I have to blog my frustrating days because my husband doesnt get it. Doesn't even try to. I don't know who else to talk to.

I am thankful for my online friends. I've met some great people online. It's the one positive thing about my fertility issues. I've met some truely wonderful women. I wouldn't trade that for the world.

This has just been a really shitty day. I'm probably just going to go to bed.
Maybe it is the medicine. Or maybe it's just the fact that I'm sick and tired of getting the really shitty cards dealt to me. Like the infertility card wasn't bad enough, keep throwing more shitty cards to me. Obviously you think I can handle it. Guess we'll wait and see.


Michele said...

Barb, that so sucks that you had a shitty day and not even your husband has a clue how to be there for you and give you what you need. I will offer you a virtual hug and I believe it will end up okay. But I know that's not the same as your husband's support.

My husband has been just as clueless... almost every day. I keep forgetting that really... men need to be told precisely what we want from them. They are not intuitive and rarely sensitive. Maybe after 25 yrs of marriage they will "get it" but only if we tell them what we want for those 25 yrs. sigh.

Dagny said...

I'm sorry Barb.


*smacks russ upside the head*


Erin said...

It's not that our friendship will never be the same, it is just evolving into something different and new. And different and new is very scary. I love you and need you more now than ever before. I'm sorry I haven't completely been there for you. Work has been extremely overwhelming and I'm whooped by the time I get home. I know that's not a good excuse, nothing is. Just know that I love you and I miss you more than you even know.

Emily said...

I'm sorry girl. You def. do not deserve all of this shit. I wish I could make it better for you. I wish Russ would step up and be there for you. William is alot like I know how it is. I hope you get a break soon. I will be thinking about you.

Love you!

Barb said...

Thanks Girls.

Erin - You don't have to apologize. I don't blame you. I know your life was thrown into a whirlwind. I know your busy and I can imagine carrying around those boys is extremely tiresome. I also know you love me and I love you too. It's no ones fault that things have changed. It's just life. Life doesnt' ever stay the same. I'm just adjusting.