Monday, February 11, 2008

Weekend Recap

I was going to start updating this blog every day whether I had anything to say or not. Obviously, that has not happened. Part of the reason is, I'm struggling at dealing with the whole infertility thing again. Not really that part of it, but the financial part of this IVF. Then seeing people getting pregnant for free. It's costing me $30,000+ and other people nothing! I can't even imagine. I can't believe I'm going through this.
But, I am. That's it. Nothing I can do about. It is what it is right.
Whatever, can't talk about it. Too upsetting.
Here's my weekend reacap.

I'd like to say I did something exciting, but I didn't. Cleaned my mom's house after work. I got home around 7:30pm. It took everything I had to stay up until 9pm so I could watch Friday Night Lights. Russ still wasn't feeling great, so he was alseep on the couch when I got home. He woke up and ate and then basically went to bed. Poor guy. I feel so bad for him. He's never been this sick in the 5 years I've known him. Anyway, that was Friday. Exciting eh?

Woke up at 8:15am because my Husband is SO LOUD!!! He opens the door loud, closes the door loud. walks loud. It pisses me off! I am SO QUIET when he's asleep. Not him! He's freaking loud.
Anyway, I got up and started laundry, he went to work. We had bowling at 1:30. It sucked! I bowled my worst all season! What really sucks is last week, I bowled my BEST all season. How do you go from one extreme to the next. I was so upset. I almost cried. Like my eyes were actually watering. I know it sounds silly, but hey, I'm PMS'ing, I've cried over less. Anyway, after bowling, we went home, I finished laundry and was fell asleep at 8pm in my recliner! Russ woke me up at 11pm to go upstairs. I must have been serioulsy tired. Probably all that drama of bowling! Or PMS? Either way, I was knocked out!

Woke up at 8:30. On my own this time. Russ didn't wake me up. Probably something to do with falling asleep at 8pm.

I started cleaning. Cleaned the whole house floor boards and all by 12:30pm. It was wierd since I usually don't get motivated until 12:30pm.

After I cleaned I went to Walmart (crazy thing to do on the weekend), I had to get a baby gift for my great nephew. He was born last week. I decided to make him a blanket too. I found the cutest material. I went home and started on it and actually finished it last night. It's by far my favorite blanket I've ever made. Here's a picture of it.
Well, that's it for now.
Still waiting on AF to show so I can start this IVF stuff. It's making me crazy. I just need an appointment and I can't have that until she shows up!!
I just want to make a baby blanket for me!

1 comment:

Michele said...

That blanket is beautiful!!! you are very talented!

I'm sorry about the bowling! and the loud hubby. been there with the hubby thing. :P