Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Things are moving right along

Well, One week from today, I'll be doing my trial transfer and hystersonogram. Also, Russ and I will get our Injection training so we'll know how to give me the shots!
I take my first shot on Tuesday. One day earlier then my class, so my sister is going to do it.

I've ordered all my meds that I know of so far. My bill so far is $1,626.00. I'm hopeing everything else I need will be covered by insurance for $40-$80 co pays. It's about $700 more then I was hoping, but what can I do. I need it right.

I also found out that I have to pay for my Anesthesia in advance. That's $800.00

So basically, I wired $23,000.00 to integramed today.
I mailed $1,558 to the clinic for some past tests.
I've spent $950 in appointments already this month.
I have to have $1,626.00 on March 4th for meds.
I have to have $1,998.00 on March 7th for the Anesthesia, Trial Transfer, and Hystosonogram.
So, my grand total from January 1st - March 7th is.......................(((drum roll please)))........................... $29,132.00

Oh, and I almost forgot, if I have embryos left over that can be frozen, that will cost another $1,100!!

I've already stressed about it and I'm over it. I know that when I have my baby or babies, I'll forget ALL of those numbers. It WILL be worth it. I WILL get me a baby!
I'm not thinking about money anymore.

Nothing else much new here.

1 comment:

Dagny said...


I'll try not to think about that either!


but soon you will have your baby, and you can forget all of this!
