Friday, February 15, 2008

Appointment Update - Part 1

I went to my appointment today.
Gave about 9 vials of blood. I seriously should have eaten breakfast before I went. I was extremely light headed on the way home.
Then I had my ultrasound. (Barf!) I hate Cycle Day 3 ultra sounds. But the dr was very nice. We talked about our valentines day events. That kept my mind off the fact that I had my period AND a camera wand up my hoo haw. Anyway, I survived.

Then the nurse gave me my schedule.
If all the blood work comes back good, then this will be the start of my schedule

2/15/08 - Start Birth control
02/26/08 - Start Lupron Injections
03/04/08 - Last day of birth control
03/07/08 - Back in for an ultrasound/blood work
- Decrease Lupron
- Start stimulation drugs (if all is well)

She sent my prescriptions off to the pharmacy. Can't wait to see how much THAT will cost.
I'm figuring around $1,500. I sure as heck hope it's not more then that.

This appointment today cost me $700. YES! You read that right.........$700.

Here is the break down:

Patient Appt: $72
Ultrasoudn: $200
Blood Tests total: $428
(estrogen, fsh, lh, prgesterone, and tsh)

I also had blood taken for the infection panels (HIV, hep, etc), but hopefully insurance will cover those. If not, then I'll get billed from the hospital.

Now I'm just waiting on the OK to start the birth control pills tonight.

I'll let ya know what I hear.


Dagny said...

That reminds me I have to get that stupid hep, hiv blood work done still...

Anyway, sounds like you are on your way! If you are not excited, I will be excited for you!

Try to not think about the money, live in denial like me, it's much more fun!! LOL

Rachel said...

You should definitely send the bill for your bloodwork for FSH, progesterone, etc. to your insurance. I have the worst insurance ever at the moment (student insurance) and it covers all of those because they are a normal part of diagnosing all sorts of medical conditions like PCOs.

Erin said...

I like what Jennifer says - live in denial!!!

Glad you are making some progress though :-)