Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weekend Recap


I got the OK to start the Birth control pills. My perscripstions are "pending" with the insurance company. Hopefully, they will be under $1,000.
We went to dinner at Ichibans with some people Russ works with. One guy was from their corporate office and they wanted to take him out. The other couple was a couple I've met before. I don't really care much for them. They both cheat on each other on regular basis. They have 2 kids that I think they treat like crap. She told me at dinner that her son got in trouble that day for talking to the other kids about sex. The teacher said he was giving every detail of how it was done. I asked how old her son was figuring he was like 10 or so, but nope he is in FIRST GRADE! Holy crap! That's pretty young to have that much detail about sex. Something is way wrong there. She also said that he consistently trys to kiss her with an open mouth and says "come on mom, let's go have sex"
That's just freaking crazy. I told her she needs to get him some counseling and figure out why he's doing this. She claims they have no idea where he's getting this from. Maybe not, but she sure as hell needs to figure it out.


Woke up at 9:30 and started laundry. Then I was playing on the computer. Just relaxing like I do every Saturday morning. Russ called me at 10:30 and told me he invited two guys from corporate over for dinner. WHAT? Are you kidding me?? Nope. He wasn't kidding. So I had to hurry up and clean my house BEFORE bowling at 1:30. I was so not happy! The sad part is, he asks me EVERYTHING before doing it, but he didn't ask about this. I was so annoyed. I did not want to spend my morning cleaning, that was for tomorrow.
The other thing is when I bowl, I have some drinks. So usually I have a slight buzz when I get home. I got home at 4:45 and the guys showed up at 5pm. Ugh! I was so not in the mood.
They were very nice, but they were here until 8pm. And they all just talked about business.
It was SO freaking boring!


This day is not over yet. Actually, it's jsut starting. I have to go clean my moms house today. I don't feel like it. I still have to finish all of our laudnry since Russ had company yesterday.
We also got invited to our neighbors house for the Daytona 500 race. He's having a party. We said we'd be there, but I SO DO NOT FEEL like going. I just want to relax. I don't want to do anything else today. It's going to take everything I have just to get up and clean my moms.

Oh, we got our check from our 401K yesterday too. It was $2,500 less then we thought. That SUCKS! I have no idea how we're going to make it through this. Also, we have to pay our balance off at REACH ($1,558) BEFORE we start IVF. So that pretty much takes the rest of the moeny from our check. Somehow, we have to come up with money for meds, $1200 for the trial transfer/hystersongogram on 2/27. Then $800 for anesthesia the day of the retreival and $1,100 to free any extra embryos if we have any. Crap! I have no idea HOW we are coming up with that money.

Well, I need to go change the laundry over.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

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