Thursday, August 30, 2007

I just want to SLEEP already!!!

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These hot flashes are so bad now. I can not sleep. I'm up every freaking hour on the hour and I wake up completely exhausted. I have NO energy all day to do anything. There are so many things I want to still do around the house and I have no energy to do any of it.
My last shot was August 8th. So, hopefully by September 8th, the Lupron will no longer be effective and my body will start back to normal. I have no idea how long it will take to become normal, but I'm praying the hot flashes will at least subside by then.
I have a new respect for all women going through menopause.

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Russ and I had our 2nd week of our new Wednesday tradition............We went to the bar and had $0.25 Wings and a tall beer. It's fun. We get a lot of planning for the house done when we do that. Last night we decided on painting the dining room this weekend and possibly even the bedroom.

I have a $150 in cash for my birthday and I decided that I'm going to get a Hair Cut, High Lights (BIG CHUNKY ONES) and my nails done. I'm going to completely spoil myself! Don't know what I'm doing as far as the hair cut, but I'll figure it out. I'll take pics with my new cameral whenever it is done.

My UTI is on it's way out. Thank goodness!! Between no sleep and peeing razor blades, it's been a crap ass week so far. Guess it can only get better right.

Well, I need to get some work done.

Have a GREAT Thursday!
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Dagny said...

Uhm, it's now september.

I await new entries!!!!! ;)

Laura said...

Yeah I hope you are sleeping better and all........but how will we know if you arent giving us some updates!! :P