Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Almost Done..............

with two things. Packing AND my 2nd and LAST Lupron shot!

We move in 3 days. I can't believe it. This month FLEW right by me and I didn't even see it. I'm glad I started packing 28 days ago. Russ made fun of me (along with others), but it was so worth it. 3 days before we move and all I have left is last minute stuff that I really can not pack until Friday morning. I have done EVERYTHING for this move. Not that Russ has not wanted to help, he's just been so busy with his work and school, that he just does not have the time. However, I feel like he doesn't realize HOW much I've done. I've done all the loan application things (including chasing down all the skelatons in his closet from before we were together), I've had all the contact with the realtor, I've scheduled all the inspections, packed the ENTIRE house, and taken care of all the utilities. I honestly don't even know HOW I did it all. But I did. When moving day comes, I plan on being VERY lazy!! Russ took of two days for the move and he's going to be busy because I'm not doing ANYTHING but Unpacking!

Tomorrow I go for my second and final Lupron shot. I'm so glad I only have 30-45 more days of these hot flashes. I guess that's my only issue with this shot aside of the bleeding that finally stopped. The hot flashes would not be so bad, but it's been 95+ degrees for 7 days. Like that kind of heat is not bad enough, but I have to have hot flashes too. It's like my body at times is 200+ degrees. It's horrible. I just pray it was worth it. I hope that this is the last step in my TTC process. I think I've earned a BFP damn it. I've been through all the tests, surgeries, waiting................it's time for me to see TWO lines. I feel like it's never going to happen. I doubt tht possiblity every day. Russ trys to convince me that this is it. It's going to happen now, this was the last step in this long process, but I'm not sure I believe him. I'm just waiting for them to tell me yet another step I need to do. I'm not sure I can even hadle another step. Although I'm shocked that I"ve made it through everything so far, I'm not so sure I can handle much more.

I went to my mom's to clean tonight and I got to see Buddy. He's such a good little dog. Even my mom said this is by far the BEST puppy they've ever had. I truely believe that he realizes he was rescued and he's just being a good boy because he's so greatful. The people that live at the house we took him from still have not been home. If we would have left him there, he would have died this weekend. There is no way he could have survived 98 degree weather with NO water. I swear he knows that I'm the one that convinced my parents to take him in. He's SO excited when I come over My sister comes over and he's happy, but when I walk in, he's EXTREMELY happy. I feel so good about that. I'm glad that I can look at him and know that my persistance with my father paid off. I know they are happy now that they gave in. It was a big risk on their part though (with the other dog and such), not to mention a puppy is a lot of work. So I give them a lot credit for taking a chance with him. I know he appreciates it and I know the are happy that they took the chance. I guess it was just a win win situation.

Well, this is a really long post and I need to go to bed. I don't even have the energy to look for cute emoticons, so this is it!!

Later Gators!!!

1 comment:

Dagny said...

I bet you get pg your first round, if only because you have such a BIG heart, and that Buddy will do what he can to get the baby gods to give you one!!!

You are WONDERFUL!!!!!