Monday, August 27, 2007


Why is it that I have to have a Super Sensitive Urethra (sp?). I get UTI's so easily.

DH and I had a fun filled weekend of Sexy Time and now I'm paying for it. I woke up this morning and thought for sure I just pee'd out razor blades. It hurt so bad. I have no idea why I got one either. I drink the water before and after. I pee right after. Russ and I both shower before because it's so stinking hot down here that all we do is sweat all day. So, I KNOW we are not dirty. So WHY must I get these irritiating infections. I called the Dr right at 8am this morning. Got an appointment for 9:15. I thought this was GREAT. However, I got there and 9:15. Got called in at 9:30 and then sat in the little room waiting on my stupid dr for the next 35 minutes. I was NOT happy. There were not even any magazines in there. I would have rather waited in the "Waiting Room" where I can read magazines or people watch.
Anyway, she came in all bubbly and I wanted to slap the life out of her. I mean it's one thing to leave a patient waiting for that long, but why the fuck would you leave someone with a Urinary tract infection waiting. I mean you can't pee because you have to hold it for the CUP Speciman and you feel like your about to wet your pants. I just think that's fucked up. They could have given me a cup to pee in so I wasn't in so much freaking pain. Anyway, she gave me a prescription and I left! Drove straight to Walgreens so I could get my RX filled. I told them I'd wait for the RX because I NEEDED to get my first dose in. So, 15 minutes later, I hear my name get called back to the pharmacy. I go back and the lady says "Well, your insurance will cover the generic version of this, which would mean you'd pay $27. But I don't have the generic version here. If I fill the name brand, it will cost you $129. Well, I wasn't about to spend that. So, I had to go back to my office and call FIVE different pharmacy's trying to find one that carried Generic Cipro. Believe it or not, it was the OTHER walgreens across town. They had 10 pills left. I need 7. I said GREAT, I'll be right there.

So, finally at 12:30, I got to take my medicine and I'm feeling much much better now. But what a pain in the freaking ass!!

If I didn't like sex so freaking much, I'd just stop doing it and get artificially inseminated. Unfortuneately, I'm probably considered a borderline Nympho, so that would NEVER work.

Russ is cooking veal parm tonight. YUMMY! Then I'm going to watch the closer and head off to bed.

Night Night to All!!!


Erin said...

You poor girl.. I have had one of those in my life and it was awful... I hated it!!! I am glad you got your meds!! Did you know they use Cipro to treat Anthrax.. Yuck.. That is some serious medicine! Anyway, love yah!! Feel better soon!

Sandi D said...

I'm so sorry about this. I'm praying you feel better soon.

Laura said...

Sorry really sucks!

"borderline Nympho" :D hehe