Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Could this be PMS?

Well, I haven't updated in a couple days, so I guess I have a lot to catch up on. Not that much has really happened in the last couple days, but here goes!

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Monday, work was REALLY busy. My assistant did NOT show up again, so I ended up working until 5pm. I'm supposed to get out at 3:30. I also had my last day with my 3rd graders for Junior Achivement. That was fun. I"m going to miss those kids. Both classes I had were really well behaved and I think they got a lot out of it.
Russ went to Lychburg for business again on Monday, he won't be back until Thursday. So since I had a such a busy weeked, I litterally did NOTHING once I got home from work. I sat on my ass and searched the web and watched TV. I needed a day of doing nothing, but a couple hours of doing nothing worked too.

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Tuesday work was much better (since I got caught up Monday). I left right at 3:30 went to Walmart to return some stuff and buy some hair color and went home. I decieded to darken my hair a bit because I'm bored with it. And I can't find a hair cut I like, so I figured I'd just color it. It turned out good. I was a little nervous since the color I got was REALLY dark. But, I have blonde hair, so I have to buy the dark color if I want to make a difference. My hair turned out a tad darker. Went from Dirty Blonde to a light brown. Very light brown. So, it's not a radical difference, but it's enough to keep me content until I figure out what else to do with my hair.
My friends Joe and Robin came over last night to watch American Idol with me since Russ was out of town. They were not there long. Basically, we watched American idol, had a beer and they left.

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So, last month, NO PMS, not cramps, no nothing. Just one day, AF showed up. Well, this month is not going so well. I have SERIOUS PMS!! I was at walmart on Sunday and I went through the self check out and I actually YELLED at the machine. See, when you pay cash, the self check out Robot Bitch voice says...."Insert Cash or select pay with card", and if she said this once, Fine. But NO, she says it over and over and over (loudly) until all my cash is in. after hearing this like 4 times in a row, I was like "Will you Shut the fuck up already"! And I said it pretty loud. People were looking at me, but I was PMS'ing and didn't care. I was annoyed.
Then yesterday, I go to walmart AGAIN (I think that I'll avoid walmart during PMS time in the future), anyway, I had to return some stuff. So, I stop at the front and let the lady put pink stickers on my return items. She's doing it very slowly and then she starts talking to me. Here's the conversation:

Walmart Greeter: Hey, Can I ask you a question?
Me: Sure
Walmart Greeter: Would you answer to someone if they were calling someone else's name and not yours?
Me: Ah......No
Walmart Greeter: (laughing) me neither, they just called Suzy, and she's not here today, then they called Beth and she left early, now they are calling Harold and he's on vacation. They haven't called me yet, so I'm not going (laughing)
Me: Ok.
Walmart Greeter: Isn't that so funny
Me: Yup (walking away with my cart quickly)

(those were not the actual names, I don't remember the names she listed. Probably cause I didn't give a flying fuck!)

Seriously, WHY would you choose to talk to a customer about this. I had to bite my tounge because I really wanted to say "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TELLING ME THIS. I DONT' GIVE A SHIT. I JUST CAME TO BUY HAIR COLOR!!!!"

I really need to stay the hell away from walmart when I'm PMS'ing.

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I miss my friend Jen. I'm used to talking to her every morning via MSN Messanger, and now she's off training and I don't get to talk to her. Freakin' Sucks! And she'll be gone for 2 weeks!!

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I'm think AF is on her way. I'm pretty crampy. My boosoms are sore. Temps are still up, but thats normal now for some reason. The last couple months, my temps stay above 98 until the day that AF shows. Which kind of sucks cause it gets me all excited! The really sad part is, I still hold on to this hope that I could be pregnant this month. Even though, there is NO CHANCE IN HELL, I still check my boobs for veins, and I still question every little tingle. It's so stupid. And I have NO idea why I put myself through it every month. This whole TTC is like a sick addiction. There is only 8 days left before my appointment to get all the test results back. I'm kind of nervous about it. I'm scared of what they are going to tell us. I'm really scared that we won't be able to have a plan for over another month since my new cycle will be in process by the time we go to the dr.

Ok. I'm done now. I need to get some work done.

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(This is my African Frog Baby! LOL!)

1 comment:

decemberbaby said...

I'm LMAO about you yelling at the machine in Wal-Mart. I've always wanted to do that.

Sorry about the PMS.

If AF is coming soon, and your appointment is a week away, that means only 3 weeks until you can start treatment, right? It sounds like a long time, but who knows - there might be other stuff you need to do to get ready. Anyhow, I can't wait to hear what the plan is for you.