Sunday, April 8, 2007


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Sorry I haven't updated in days, but I had some SERIOUS PMS issues and I was extremely negative and a tad (ok, a LOT) Bitchy! But, AF is here now and the PMS issues are over! I haven't updated on here in a couple days because I've been very negative and bitchy! I didn't want to drag everyone who read my blog down in the dumps with me.
Anyway, I'm better now. I had a really good last couple days. Thursday Russ and I went to Arigatos (japanese Steakhouse) it was SO YUMMY. I can eat that everyday. I had filet and it litterally melted in my mouth. Friday, I relaxed!!! It was GREAT. I did go clean my mom's house, but other then that, I did NOTHING!! I took a nap!
Saturday, I cleaned my house, did laundry and had a steak dinner with Russ.
We're going to my mom's for Easter. I'm excited because that means GAME PLAYING!! Pictionary and Scene It, here I come!! Russ hates games, but my whole family LOVES them. Today Russ will watch the Masters while we play games. My niece Kayla won't be there today wich makes me sad. She's at her Dad's. The positive about it is I can load her up with Easter stuff for cheap because I'll be buying them tomorrow when they are Half Price!!

I got my hair cut yesterday. Well, just my bangs. They were all one length. I hated them. I've heard if you don't like your nose, you should have have bangs so it takes away from your nose. So, I got some side whispy bangs! I think they look SO much better on me.

Russ just informed me that he's going golfing today. NOT very happy about that, but whatever. As long as he makes it to dinner at my parents on time I don't care.

Ok, I need to go shower and get ready for GAMES!!! Hope everyone has a great Easter!

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