Monday, June 18, 2007

Weekend Recap

Friday 6/15/07:
We met with a new realtor tonight. He was really great. Very thourough and seemed much more interested in making sure he knew everything about our house and neighborhood before giving us his opinion on how much we should list it for. He LOVES our house. Unfortuneatly, if you drive past our house about a 1/2 mile, there is a really dumpy neighborhood. You don't have to drive through the trashy area to get to our house, but if people drive around the neighborhood, they'll end up there. The realtor said that's a big deal to a lot of people and we'll lose peoples interest if they do that. He said if we picked up our house and put it in a different neighborhood, we'd get $139,900 for our house. But in this neighborhood, we'll get about $119,000. BIG difference! However, we only paid $92,000, so we'll still making $27,000 on it, so I guess that's not bad for only living there 3 years.

After the realtor left, we went to dinner at Sagebrush. This is a Steak House that just opened in our town. We're so psyched because before it opened, the only place you could go out to a sit down dinner is a Chinese Restaurant. Everything else is fast food. So we are very happy to have a REAL restaurant in our town. Even though, hopefully we'll be leaving that town in a couple months.

Saturday, June 16, 2006:
I had an eye appointment at 11:00 am. I woke up at 10:05am. The eye appt was a half hour away. Found out at the eye appointment that my vision has IMPROVED!! Went from 4.5 to 3.75! The Dr said sometimes that happens in your 30's. Yay for SOMETHING good that happens in your 30's. I figured it was all down hill from here.

We had our friends Robin and Joe over. We cooked out and had some drinks. Then the guys went downstairs to watch golf and Robin and I watched Hitched.
It was a lot of fun, however, when we hang out with them, we're always up soooo late. Went to bed at 2am. That is SO late for us.

Sunday, June 17, 2007:
Went over to my mom's to clean. Then I came home, colored and highlighted my hair. It turned out REALLY cute too. Then I got ready for Fathers Day. Russ took my Dad Golfing. My mom and sister went with them too. I stayed home and got everything ready for the cook out.
Everyone came back around 4:00. We hung out on the deck, had dinner and hung out some more. My dad really enjoyed himself.

No orders when I came into work today, so I have nothing to do this morning! That kinda sucks. But, it gives me time to finish my resume and get it emailed to PGT.

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