Sunday, June 3, 2007

Keeping my promise

Well, I'm keeping my promise to update my blog daily. So here goes. Don't get to excited. I don't really have anything exciting to say.

I went to bed at 8:30 last night. I was exhausted. Damn PMS! I woke up at 6:00 and took my temp. It went down more. Damn it! I so wanted to prove the Dr wrong. Guess it's up to Laura and Jen to bring home the BFP's this month!
I got up around 8:30 and played on the computer. Obsessed of Fertility Friend Charts for at least an hour. Couldn't find any that even closely resembled mine. More depressing.
Then I spent at least an hour on reading early pregnancy symptoms. Still nothing. Now I'm so depressed, I don't even want to clean the house. I do though.
Cleaned the house and finished laundry.

I watched the Movie Little Children on PPV. I read the book last October and I've been dying to see it. It was really good. I now realize why it was not shown in theaters. It had some VERY detailed sex scenes! The whole thing went right along with the book until the very end. That was really different and shocking!

Now I'm watching stupid tv because NOTHING is on. I'm probably going to go to bed soon.

Hopefully I'll have more intersting stuff to talk about tomorrow!

Love & Baby Dust!


Laura said...

So much for keeping a promise huh???

I'll never believe you now when you say "I Promise"

Anonymous said...

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