Thursday, June 14, 2007

House Hunting

Well, we've been house hunting. At first we couldn't find much that we liked, but last night we found 3 that we LOVE. Haven't seen the inside yet (besides the pics online), but as far as land, location, and size, they are all perfect. All in great neighborhoods too.
Here are a couple of the front runners.

We really love the second one the most. But we would take either.
We have an appointment with a realtor on Friday to go over selling our house and we'll ask him to set up some viewings of the above 2 houses.
Hope we can sell our house. We should be able to. Our town is becoming very popular and there are not a whole of homes for sale there. They may help us. Plus, our house is pretty damn nice!

If we move to either house, I will be 5.2 miles from my parents, 3.6 miles from my sister and niece, and 6.8 miles from work!! Woo hoo!!!!! That in it's self is worth a million bucks!!

I'm going to the bank today to about getting pre approved for our mortgage. We just paid off EVERY credit card we had, so the only debt we show is our 2 car payments and our current house. So hopefully, it won't be a problem getting a new mortgage.

On another note, only 7 more days until I meet with Dr Crain (fertility clinic) AGAIN! I know it's going to be a wasted appointment and a waste of money, but I'll go. He's surprised me a couple times now, so who knows. Maybe he'll surprise me again.

Well, I'm off to play Hearts online. Work is slow as crap and I'm all caught up, so I get to play games.

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decemberbaby said...

ooh, they're both so pretty! I imagine they're both pretty new, right? If not, email me and I'll be happy to give you some tips on what to look for if you're buying an old house. Good luck - house hunting is fun!

Laura said...

Oh Wow I LOVE that second one!! Both are much prettier than the one you showed me that had central vaccuum!! Good Luck!!