Friday, June 22, 2007

My "Potted" Vegetable Garden

Remember how I wanted to make some fried green tomatoes? I couldn't ever find any green tomoatoes, so I planted my own garden. These are in Pots, because I wasn't sure if I could ACTUALLY grow something. But, as you'll see in the pics below........................I CAN!!!!

When we move, I'm soooo going to have a REAL vege garden!!! But for now, I'll have my tomatoes for Fried Green Tomatoes, my Cherry tomoatoes for my salads, and my Green peppers because I love them and they are freakin' expensive!!!

Fertility Appointment Consult (06/21/07):

So, yesterday, I met with Dr Crain again. I wanted some ovulation meds so I could ovulate like a normal women. For those that don't know, I ovulate between Cycle Day 17 and 23. It varies every month by a lot and I'm tired of it.

Well, Dr Crain is concerned about a protein called Beta-3 that needs to be present in the uterus for implantation. He said that there is a 50% chance of NOT having that protein with women who have/had endometriosis. This protein in necessary for the embryo to implant. He gave me two options. Go on Lupron for two months to get the protein back (if it's missing) or , have a biopsy type thing of the uterus to actually TEST for the protein BEFORE going on the Lupron. This test has to be done 7-11 days past ovulation. So, I'm on CD 13, and I have 100% insurance coverage until December 31st, so I asked if I could do the biopsy this month. He said yes! Then I asked about going on the ovulation meds the next cycle while I wait for the results (they take 3-4 weeks). He said yes!!! He will not put me on Clomid or that other popular medicine for ovulation because it can bring back the endometriosis, so he's giving me some medicine that begins with an L that they give to women who are pregnant and have breast cancer. I guess it keeps estrogen levels low. So, that was "The Plan". I was kind of excited. However, on my way home, my excitement dwindeled. Why you ask??? Because EVERY test and procedure with TTC has a certain time frame it HAS to be done in, and for those of you who know me, you know that my body does NOT do well with it's timing! Bascially, I remembered on the way home that I'm leaving for NY on July 3rd. Since I NEVER know when I'm going to ovulate, this could be a problem. I came back to the office and figured out that in order to make the 7-11 day past ovulation window, I need to ovulate BEFORE the 26th or AFTER the 28th. If I ovulate on the 26th or 27th, I'll be in NY when I should be getting the biopsy, so then the plan will change! Damn I hope my body just ovulates in a timely manner. Like TOMORROW! That would be great! But, I won't hold my breath!!

Ok, That's probably enough stuff to write. I'll write more tonight.

Have a GREAT Day!!

Love & Baby Dust!!!


Laura said...

Timing Definately Sucks! I hope you O on the right day so that you can get some things going YOUR WAY!!!

Love the Veg garden!! So very pretty!!

Amy @ Taste Like Crazy said...

That's a mighty purty garden you got going there.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit here, but I will be back soon, because I really like the way you are writing, it is so simple and honest