Thursday, June 28, 2007

So Much Going On!

It's been a crazy crazy week!
It all started last week when we decided we were going to put our house up for sale. We don't have a lot to do to the house, but we do have some painting. I spent Thursday and Friday of last week painting the bathroom and the ceiling after work. Then we were out of town in Pine Hurst on Saturday and Sunday.
Our realtor put our house up for sale "Officially" on Sunday. Here is the link to our house on line.

Within 48 hours of it being on line, we had 6 appointments for viewings from people that are intersted. And they keep coming. It's kinda crazy having to make SURE everything in your house is neat and orderly before leaving for work "Just in case" someone comes to view it. Luckily Melissa has taught me to be completely anal about the cleanliness of my house, so it's not really a big deal. But still, when you have to leave for the evening viewings, it annoying. Like where do I go for an hour. I spent Monday wandering around wal-mart.

Today I'm in Lynchburg with Russ. He's working right now and I'm enjoying my rest and relaxation in the hotel room. We have a HUGE suite, paid for by his company. Last night we went to dinner with his work people and it was BORING!! All they did was talk about work. And they are all engineers, so they have abslolutely NO PERSONALITY OR SENSE OF HUMOR! Tonight Russ and I are going out by ourselves. After dinner, Russ and I walked around downtown Lynchburg. It's a really pretty town. I'm going to take some pictures tonight.
We're going to dinner at a PRICEY italian restaurant (cause the company is paying for it) and then we'll walk around down town again.
I'm going back home tomorrow morning. Russ will come back tomorrow night with the other guys.

Well, I'll write more later. I have to go down and get some more coffee:)

Love and Baby Dust!!

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Erin said...

Hey - any word on the offers that were possibly going to be drawn up? I'm so excited for you guys. Just think - when I come down in Sept. - you may be in a new house!! YAY

Dagny said...

Glad you had/are having a good time!!!!!