Sunday, March 25, 2007

Beer For Breakfast???

Yes, I had beer for breakfast. Sort of. It was 1:30pm when I had the beer. I got up at 11:15am (don't' know why I slept so late) and then I showered and went to my bowling tournament. This guy Rob owed me a pitcher from the last time we bowled and he handed me a beer at 1:30. So, the first thing I had to (aside of my morning cup of coffee) was a BEER. It's kind a sad. I'm almost embarrassed to admit it. But such is life.
I bowled OK. Actually, the more I drank, the better I bowled. By the last game on about my fourth beer (small cups) I bowled a 181. Not bad. My average is 138.
Anyhow, now I'm watching TV and waiting for Russ to get home. He's out golfing with some friends from work. He asked if I minded if he golfed 9 more holes at about 5pm, I told him fine as long as he wasn't to tired for a little nookie later!
Speaking of nookie, my sister (36 years old) came to the bowling tournament with a Hickey on her neck! I very loudly pointed it out to my parents who where also bowling. And her boyfriend was there. I embarrassed them both. I would feel bad except when I was 16 and had a hickey, my sister felt it was her place to point it out to my mom. Payback is a Bitch!!! See, sometimes it takes years, but you usually always get a chance to pay back the people who did you wrong in the past:).

I watched the movie Freeway with Reese Witherspoon, Keifer Sutherland, and Brook Sheilds a little while ago. It was BAD! Not only was it just not good it was disturbing. And yet, I couldn't help but watch the whole damn thing. I don't know why either. I feel like i just wasted an hour and a half of my life that I'll never get back!

Well, I'm off to have some left overs for dinner. Then I'm going to finish up the laundry, plan my Junior Achievement lesson plan for tomorrow and head off to bed!

1 comment:

decemberbaby said...

So you know, you're already on my blogroll - I decided to add you whether you like it or not :-). To answer your question... a blogroll is the thing in the sidebar where you link to other people's blogs that you read and recommend to your readers.