Sunday, September 9, 2007

7 1/2 HOURS!!!

That's how long I slept last night without a Hot Flash!! Holy Crap it felt great!!! I woke up so refreshed. I felt like a whole new women! I think my hot flashes may start getting fewer and farther between which is REALLY great. I'm so done with these things. I know it will all be worth it when I'm holding a baby though. I just need to be patient.

Speaking of babies! I went to see the twins again today. They are so cute! I even held them. They are so different. Not even just their physical looks, but their facial expressions and their movements. Cole hates his diaper being changed. He crys and wiggles. Bryce could care less. He just lays there and trys to stay awake. They are just adorable!
Here are some more pics.

This one is my favorite. Sarah's sister Karen and I were giving the boys some new Do's. We call this the "Alfalfa" (sp?) look:

Bryce is a very good sport.

Now I'm home. Making dinner. YES! I'm actually making the dinner. Not Russ. I know, it's surprising to me too. We are getting ready to watch.................................

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I'll be watching this man

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Mmmmm...................Love me some Tony Romo.

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Dagny said...

they really are handsome boys.

Sandi D said...

those babies are very cute.

35-45 what a close game last night. cowboys grrrr. :P