Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I know I have not updated in forever. BUT..............I have very good excuses! I've been very busy with the house buying/selling, packing, etc. Not to mention, this Lupron shot has taken a LOT out of me. I've been extremely tired. Russ had a 2 week training and test that gives him an engineering certificate (green belt) that he needs to go on to the black belt certificate for engineering which will make him LOTS of moeny. So basically, I've done EVERTHING for this move because between working a bazillion hours, he's spent every night studying. I've made all the phone calls to the Finance guy, realtor, etc. I've set up all the appointments. I'm doing all the packing and whole patching and painting. I've done Everything. And I'm too tired by the end of the night to update my blog.

The good news is Russ passed his test with a 97. The bad news is, in a week, he'll start classes for the black belt which is MUCH harder.

Everything is going well with the move so far. Yesterday we had the inspections with both houses. The house we are buying had a couple things pointed out in the inspection, but nothing major at all. We haven't heard about our current house yet. We should hear today.

As I walked around the new house yesterday, I realized how much work there is for me to do. The house is very nice, but I hate all the wallpaper and paint in EVERY ROOM. So, there will be a lot of painting. I'll start with the spare bathroom, because that's the worst! Oh, I probably will not change anything in the 1/2 bath. I do like that room. Maybe tile the floor.

Russ and I went furniture shopping last night. We have a very small den and it's too small for our current furniture, so I wanted a couple recliners. Russ wanted a formal dining room set for your dining room. He's never had a formal dining room and even though we may never use it, it's one of the first rooms you see when you walk in the house and he wants it to be nice.

Here's some pics:

I'm starting to get the Lupron Induced Hot Flashes. Mostly at night. Not really bad though. I can handle them. So Far. I get my second shot on August 8th. I'm worried that my side effects will increase more. But, so far aside of losing 10 quarts or so of blood, this shot has not been bad. (knock on wood)
August 10th is the big moved date. The day before Russ's 40th Birthday! He get's a a new house and dining set for his b-day. Not bad eh? I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!
It's making me crazy!! 18 DAYS!!!!!
Well, I need to get some work done. I'll TRY and update more. But I make NO promises!!!
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Erin said...

I am so sorry it has been so stressful and you have been so tired.... Bad Lupron!!! I am so excited for you to get your new house.. Lots of love!

Laura said...

Sorry you are feeling bad but let me tell you...........Its bout damn time you updated this thing!!