Sunday, July 8, 2007

Back From Vacation!

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I'm so tired!! I had not idea going away could be so exhausting! It did not help that I went to bed at 1am last night (THANKS MELISSA & PATTI!!) and we had to get up at 4:30am to head out to the airport! I was extremely tired!
I slept a little on the plane, but not much. When I got home, I took a four hour nap and woke up with my PeriodPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket. Now I have to call the Dr and start Lupron this week. I'm so dreading it. I'm begining to think that this whole baby thing is never going to happen for me. I'm usually really positive about it, but I was really sad today and I just have this feeling like it's not going to happen. On a positive note, I had ZERO cramps and ZERO Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket, so maybe that removing the endometriosis was a good idea. I almost feel normal and it's the first day of my period. Kinda wierdPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Vacation was really fun. We got in around 11pm on Tuesday night to Rochester and we hung out with my Sister in law and nephew and few of his friends. Wednesday morning we headed up to the 1,000 Islands. It rained the WHOLE day! We saw NO fireworks, just sort of hung out in the room.
Thursday, my friend Erin came up and we hung all hung. My in-laws, Russ, and Erin. Had some drinks and sat on the dock and watched all the people and the boats. Friday Erin and I left the Islands and went back to Rochester for Girls Night! About 8 girls that I used to work with up there came over and we had a GREAT time just catching up and being goofy. I POAS (that means Pee'd on a Stick Melissa) it came out negative, so I had some drinks.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Maybe a little too many because the next day I was very Blah! I had NO energy to do Anything! My mother-in-law was throwing a party for Russ and his Dad. Russ turns 40 next month and his dad is turning 60 this week. We had a really good time at the party. I got to spend like 6 hours or more catching up with Melissa & Patty who I have not seen in a long time. It was great to catch up.

Tomorrow is my 2nd Anniversary and my Dad's 60th birthday. Damn, we are all getting so OLD! I'm not sure what we are going to do yet. My dad is out of town at a Elks Convention, so Russ and I may just go out to dinner and have a little champagnePhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Well, I'm off to bed! I have to start getting my rest. I have a LOT of packing to do. I'm moving to my new house on AUGUST 10th! Yay!!


Laura said...

Sounds like you had So much fun on vacation!!!!

Dont worry about the Lupron!! Its what your doc wants you to do so it MUST be a step in the right direction!!

Good Luck!

Laura said...

Seriously!!!!!!! UPDATE YOUR FREAKIN BLOG!!!

Erin said...

I am waiting for an update too... Who knew you had such fans...LOL Hope you are well!!! Lots of love!!