Sunday, November 4, 2007

This sums it up today

A friend of mine posted this on our forum today, and it really hit home for me.

I thank god everyday for the online friends I've made during this struggle. It's a very lonely feeling going through this and having people who understand (because they've been there) makes every day seem a little more tolerable.


Dagny said...

I cant' watch it cause I just cant' cry anymore atm, but maybe one day I will watch it.

Love you Barb.

And how I wish this was easier for us. :(

Erin said...

That was beautiful, as I sit in my hotel room by myself bawling my eyes out.

Unknown said...

I love this video. It is so sad, but it puts our struggle into words, words anyone can understand. It WILL happen for you, I can feel it. ((hugs))

Erin said...

Love you.... I tahnk God for your friendship every day!! I am blessed to have you in my life... Lots of love!!